Shed Winter Coats, Shed Winter Weight

The time is now to shed those heavy Winter coats and shed Winter weight. One is a lot easier than the other. I just dropped my favorite Winter coat off at the dry cleaners, so I can put it away until next Winter. Putting on lighter, prettier Spring clothes is so much fun, unless you don't like what looks back at you in the mirror!

women jeans mirror

What is your main goal? To just lose weight or to get healthier while losing weight? If it is the first, stop reading this and find a quick fix, but I promise it will not last! 99% of diets fail – 

If Yours was the second choice, to get healthier while losing weight, I am a living, breathing testimony. I have stayed 6 sizes down for almost 7 years. And at 62,  I am healthier than when in my late thirties. My eye Dr. told me 3 years ago, I did not need bifocals any more and could just use readers. My dentist said last week, my gums are so healthy I may live to  be 90 something. (I want to live to be a healthy 100 year old). It is not just your healthy size, but your quality of health while being your healthy size.

This is my before and after picture 7 years ago.

This is my before and after picture 7 years ago.

Why not start improving on your healthy lifestyle. Not only you will greatly benefit, but those who love and need you in their lives will too!  If you could save time, money and your health, would you like know how?

Today is the beginning of the rest of your life, you are in charge to make choices that will make a difference. Sure, we all know times have changed and the nutrition in the grocery stores are nutritionally bankrupt. We all combat approximately 600 toxins a day. But there are ways to work on counter balancing the effects of what we are exposed to. 

There is not one “miracle” solution, but we can take measures on how we manage our health. I would be honored to help you discover what are your health priorities and offering You healthy suggestions.

Click on the button to the right for your Free Discovery Session.

Don't forget Your Healthy Wheel Analysis and Healthy Suggestions download.

Enjoy Spring, it is a great reminder of new beginnings! And this can be your new beginning of enhancing your healthy lifestyle!

Best in Health and Prosperity,

Nancy White, “The Healthy Cells Chick”


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